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When Your Friday Feeling is Not So Fab!

It's Feel Fab Friday!! I do hope that YOU're feeling fabulous. That, after all is the goal—to have more high vibe, happy moments—more fun, more fulfillment and more freedom.

And the truth is that many people are NOT feeling fabulous...including me today!

I'm in a bit of a funk and I'm honouring that by upping my soul care today. Which, I will get to right after I finish writing you this note.

There was a time when my "dark night of the soul" went on for days, weeks and even years....

Wait, there's more...

How are you limiting yourself?

When I was training to become a Success Principles trainer one of the exercises was to get feedback on how we were limiting ourselves. A dear friend said, “Carla, I see you limiting yourself by using humour to deflect your pain.”


I thought I was using my humour to make people laugh and feel better. Hell, I was doing it to make ME feel better. The problem was, I didn’t feel better. And he wasn’t wrong.

Back then I used a lot of self-deprecating humour that...

Wait, there's more...

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